We thank you for your participation in the Montauk "Run For Fun" Turkey Day!
You are all winners! Photo © Richard Lewin
The record number of participant brought in a record amount of contributions to the local food pantries.
We apologize for the late start.
Due to the late start, participants ran ahead of the actual start. At that time, the race became a "fun run" as accurate results cannot be produced.
We hope to see you next year as we regroup and continue to support the community.
We are confident that next years race will be better managed and will again break all records.
You can still register for the virtual race and make additional donations to the food pantry till the end of the month.
100% of your virtual race and donations will go to the food pantries!
Register Now!
This has been a rough year for all of us, but especially the poor and the homeless. You may find it hard to believe, but there are poor and homeless people right here in East Hampton and Montauk. This event is not going to change that. But it can help. Join us in giving thanks for what we have and giving to those who don't.
Run, walk or hike, virtual Or you can still Donate to our local food pantries till the end of the month!!
The Recreation Department, Town of East Hampton is proud to announce that registration for the 45th Annual Live or Virtual "Run For Fun" Turkey Day Race is now available for registration at ItsYourRace.com!
Nov. 25th 2021
The tradition continues!

We thank you for your participation in the Montauk "Run For Fun" Turkey Day!
You are all winners!
The record number of participant brought in a record amount of contributions to the local food pantries.
We apologize for the late start.
Due to the late start, participants ran ahead of the actual start. At that time, the race became a "fun run" as accurate results cannot be produced.
We hope to see you next year as we regroup and continue to support the community.
We are confident that next years race will be better managed and will again break all records.
With a virtual option!
Nov. 25th 2021
The tradition continues!
Thanksgiving - Nov. 25 in 2021
Online Registration Only!
No registration on site.
Online registration for the Live event will close 7am on Thanksgiving Day of Race!
Bib pickup starts at 8:00 am Get there early to avoid long lines.
Lines close at 9:45
3 and 6 miler starts together at 10am. on the west side of the circle
6m is two laps. New this year: 6m participants must go through the finish line to record your 1st lap and continue straight to your second lap.
See rules and procedures below. Designed for greater efficiency.
Turkey “Run for Fun” History – On Thanksgiving morning 1976, John Keeshan got together
with some friends to engage in a morning run from the Village Green, to the Lighthouse, and
then back again. This developed into a yearly tradition, which eventually became the annual
event that is now under the direction of the East Hampton Town, Recreation Department.
The distance from the village green to the lighthouse and back is 11 miles will be run virtual only.
All proceeds from the Montauk Turkey Day event and donations benefit The Montauk Food Pantry, The East Hampton Food Pantry, The Springs Food Pantry, and Meals on Wheels.
Register Now!
Run or walk live, participate virtual, Donate to the local food pantries!
New Rules! New Proceedures! Designed for greater efficiency.
Register Now! Be there early to avoid lines.
We would like to start this race on time!
There will be no onsite registration!
One line for bib pick up. Must show Proof or Vacination or negative test!
You will not be given a bib if you don't have proof! No Refunds!
Carry a mask with you at all times. If people start to crowd, put your mask on.
Start and finish will be on the street!
6M is 2 laps of course.
New this year! You must pass through finish on 1st lap!
Shirts will only be for pick up at the live event. First come first served!
Line should move quickly, but get there early to get a shirt!
We are expecting a big turnout, Get there early, follow new proceedures, and the lines will move quickly. Let's start the race on time. Be safe, stay healthy!
A new tradition:You can run or walk Virtually:
We will keep the virtual option open from now on! We started it because of covid, but we continue it so that, no mater where you are in the world, you can support to the Montauk community by registering, participating and/or donating to our local food pantries! Send in your photo's and record your times.
Participants can run/walk the race that they register for anytime and anywhere between November 1 and November 30, 2021, and they can sign up for as many races (3 mile, 6 mile, or 11 mile - which was the original route from the Montauk Green to the Lighthouse and back) as they wish to run, between now and November 30, 2021. The fee to run a race is $10, plus an administration fee of $3.25. All proceeds benefit the local food pantries. There will also be an additional donation button on the website so that those who wish to make further donations to the food pantries may do so. Just visit ItsYourRace.com to register and/or make a donation.
You can record your participating using the Its Your Race Virtual App on Manually on the results page.
You can run your race anywhere and at any time between now and Nov. 30th
Watch for places and times where you can participate in small groups TBA.
Download the Free IYR Virtual Mobile App

Nov. 25th 2021
Going Virtual! Run where you are, anytime between now and Nov 30th.
Keep the tradition alive!
In the spirit of the original run, we will include an 11 mile run in the virtual catagory only.
DATE: Thanksgiving Day, November 25th, 2021
PLACE: Virtually anywhere you want! Run or walk where you are.
Any Day, Any Time, Any Place! between now and Nov 30th Register Now!
Record manually on the results page or use our Virtual App:
Download the Free IYR Virtual Mobile App
Can't make it? Please donate to the Local Food Pantries. Participants can also make additional donations.
All proceeds go to local Food Pantries
Donate Today!
Awards only for live event!
3 Miles _ 6 Miles
10 & Under 40-49 39 & Under
11-13 50-59 40-49
14-19 60-69 50-59
20-29 70 & Over 60 & Over
30-39 Walkers
**Water Table- Provided by Montauk Beer & Soda**